Well, as you might imagine, everyone in Pittsburgh seems to be whooping it up because of last night's Super Bowl victory. I just heard on the news that rush hour traffic this morning and tonight was very light, with people saying that many people took today off due to "too much celebrating" the night before. You've just got to love Pittsburgh and its Steelers fans.
I didn't watch the whole game, and I am no football expert by any stretch of the imagination, but it looked to my untrained eye that they came very close to blowing it. Of course a win is a win, and they were able to pull it together and get a touchdown in the 11th hour. So I raise my cup of decaf to ya!
On a less celebratory note, I got my two gas bills today (big house, two furnaces, what can I say?) and not surprisingly they were high. Very high. So I called my best friend Heather over at Manpower to see if I can plead for some work.
Heather had a possible job, and put in my resume for it. I'll find out tomorrow if I got it. Unfortunately, even though the job is less than 4 miles from my house, by bus it will take two buses and over an hour to get there (it's in a very inaccessible part of East Liberty/Lincoln-Lemington). These are the times when I pine for DC bus and subway service, but a job's a job and I've got this ginormous house to support!
Stay warm everyone and bask in the post-Super Bowl glory...
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