And what's more substantial than a Subway? I tell ya, those Subway folks were geniuses when they revamped their menu with the $5 footlongs (Sing along in your head with me: Five. Five. Five Dollar Foot Longs!). I saddled up to the counter, ordered my Black Forest Ham/Turkey Breast with the works and hiked up 44th Street.
So I get home and what do I discover--buzz on the Internet of the impending dumping of Phelps from his recent endorsement deal from Subway. As featured on gawker.com, Phelps' name and image was listed on Subway's web site (as a "Fresh Celebrity", whatever that means), but now if you go to Subway's site, you'll see that only Ryan Howard and Reggie Bush (along with Subway's own Jared) are listed as celebrities. Curiously enough, this site does encourage you to "spread the buzz"--apparently as long as that buzz doesn't involve a doobie.
So I'm now retracting what I just said about Subway and declaring them idiots. Really, talk about much ado about nothing. Has the world forgotten how old (or maybe I should say how young) Michael Phelps is? He's 23, at an age where if he wasn't swimming and collecting gold medals, he'd be doing bongs in the basement of his fraternity house just like every other red-blooded, American guy.
I'll go on the record to tell you I don't smoke pot. Never did. But--America, I hate to break it to you, I'm the exception to this rule, and here's a news flash: most college-aged kids smoke dope. And--double yoi--many people continue to do so past their twenties. They don't go from being pot smokers to mainlining heroin: they hold down jobs, are good parents, and lead normal, respectable lives.
But what Phelps is going to have to do what Kate Moss did, who lost her endorsement deals when a picture of her snorting coke appeared in the tabloids. She publicly apologized and went to rehab. Then, quietly, many of the companies that endorsed her (H&M, Burberry, etc.) picked up her contract again.
Was Kate Moss addicted to coke? Maybe, maybe not. Is Phelps a drug addict? I seriously doubt it. However, like Moss, the only road to redemption I see for Phelps is a public apology and a stint in rehab. Might I recommend Passages in Malibu? It's set above the crashing waves of the Pacific, and in between therapy sessions, you can enjoy all sorts of amenities, including gourmet food. And I bet that menu doesn't feature a single $5 foot long.
Hey Jules.
ReplyDeleteNut Bar here. The "lyrics" to the Subway "song" are: "Five...Five Dollar..Five Dollar Foot Long."
Like I mentioned yesterday, been playin' along to the TV lately...maybe I have too much time on my hands?
Bong hits anybody?
i disagree. smoking pot is illegal. i dont care if every college kid is doing it-- it supports a violent culture.
ReplyDeletea 23-year old is old enough to be responsible for making his own decisions, too.
dont fault any company for pulling an endorsement deal. its their money- they can do what they want. this incident taints Phelps image in the eyes of a lot of peeople-- sorry, but image is everything.
michael phelps is an idiot. a great athlete, indeed, but a dummy.
Disagree all you want...but how about you get a clue first. The violence associated with the drug trade stems, above all else, from it's illegality. If drugs were produced, consumed and taxed legally, there would be no violence and we could pay for much-needed treatment programs.
ReplyDeleteSure, companies are free to do as they want (you can see how well laissez-faire, free market, trickle-down economics has helped the US economy), but irrational overreaction is usually worse than its supposed cause.
-Nut Job
nice try.
ReplyDeleteyou: the violence is due to its illegality.
ok, read my post again. specifically the sixth word. i made no implication that drug use leads to violence. i clearly state its illegality. 1+1=2 (oh, thats math, not scrabble, sorry).
you: ranting about the free market
nonsensical-- no one is debating the free market? "irrational overreaction"? who are you to say that? again, it is the discretion of the endorsee (the company, Kellog's, et al) that matters. not anyone sitting in a starbuck's decrying the oppression of weed smokers.
by the way, the free market's trickle-down economics has actually worked wonders, in this country and a number of others.
Whatever you say, Dr. Wizard.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I hear doctors are doing wonders with Ritalin these days.
Okay, I think everyone needs to calm down and take a deep breath. We can all agree to disagree and part of this blog is to encourage spirited discussion. But if the name calling and nastiness continues, I'm going to change how comments are posted so they have to be screened by me first before they go live. Because I am the queen...of this blog anyway. Julie
ReplyDeletequeen of this blog-- very diplomatic of you. but you know very well that the Nut Job was belligerent in his first response, then impudent in his second. so its obvious you are speaking to him, yet generalize with "everyone" so as not to hurt his feelings. let it be stated!