I had lunch with my friend Jen yesterday, and we were commiserating about the cold and she also thinks about moving out of Pittsburgh. Of course my first choice would be Barbados, where cold weather there is about 50 degrees, but unless I've forgotten about some money buried in my backyard, or a winning lottery ticket I possess, that won't be happening any time soon.
So the more practical solution is DC, where you've got one month in the summer of horribly hot weather, but the winters are way milder. And, as Obama has already found out, when there is any snow to speak of, the place just shuts down. Snow days--it's like being in fourth grade again! So I have about 10 months to figure out how to either sell or rent this house and move somewhere else, either buy a house in Pittsburgh or move elsewhere. It will all depend on where I end up getting a job.
Speaking of jobs, my interview this week went well. It was conducted by a CPA, so it was unsurprisingly short and to the point. The next round is actually the final round, which will be in-person interviews. So I like the process so far, unlike many other places which favor the 4-5+ interviews.
Unfortunately, I did discover that Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh's offices are not where I had thought. I thought they were on Parkway Center Drive (a/k/a Foster Plaza in Green Tree) but it's actually Parkway View, which is RIDC Park West--waaaaaay out in the middle of nowhere. There is bus service there, but door to door it would be at least 90 minutes each way (factoring in the travel by foot to get to the stops and transferring from one bus to another). Right now I can't be too picky about location and I figure: why get all stressed out about something that hasn't happened yet?
The good news is that RIDC Park is HUGE, so I could very well find someone to carpool with. So I'm not ruling it out, and I'm continuing to look other places, too. We'll let the Interview Gods decide my fate!
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